Bringing More Visitors to your Website Series: PART 2 - What makes content shareable?

Bringing More Visitors to your Website Series: PART 2 - What makes content shareable?

What makes content shareable?

Online content is more likely to be shared if:

  • Content is of a positive nature
  • People like to share articles that elicit “awe” reaction
  • It can be used as a way to establish an emotional connection with others
  • People share content on topics that define who they are and what their beliefs are
  • It evokes emotional stimuli, whether positive or controversial
What makes content shareable?

Also, search engines place websites with the most relevant and valuable content at the top of their rankings. So if you create valuable content, you increase the chances of your website showing up and being shared. Plus good content makes you look like an industry authority and builds credibility. More content, more sharing, more customers.


To write winning content you must know your target audience, what do they currently think or do in relation to what you wish to communicate/sell on your website? What do you want them to think or do? What's in it for them?  And, lastly, why should they believe you?

Writing content for the web is like writing copy for any good ad. Remember as humans we have very short attention spans, so keep it simple and  make sure your content includes:


  • Compelling headlines/subheadlines, follow the ABCs of headline writing that is attention, benefit, creativity. Your headline should capture attention, communicate a benefit and be creative. 
  • Note that 50% of your time copywriting should be spent on your headlines alone. Let’s be frank if your customer doesn’t get past your headline it doesn’t matter how good the rest of the text or web content is.
  • Short paragraphs with straight-to-the-point sentences. Your first sentence should peak your customer’s interest by acknowledging a pain or want, then move towards creating desire by stating facts about your products or services.
  • Make the information easy to absorb by using lists, bullets, numbered lists, checklists, etc.
  • Remember a picture says 1000 words. choose powerful visuals. Make appropriate font choices that are easy to read.
Use a variety of types of content:
  • Blog Posts
  • Guest Blog Posts
  • How-to-guides
  • Whitepapers
  • Infographics
  • Social Media Posts
  • Videos

Sources: Association for Psychological Science,