Workshop: Communicate Your Brand - Develop Your Elevator Pitch
Discover your purpose – your passion – your offering – and communicate it clearly to others.
How you communicate who you are and what you do - to the people that matter.
Have you ever been asked what you do, and not be able to provide a clear answer? Do people’s eyes often glaze over when your introduction doesn’t even come close to explaining your job or your business? In this session, you will think beyond your role and your business, and learn how to clearly articulate your offering, and develop a point of view about why you do what you do.
Join us for a premium breakfast on May 16, 2019 from 8:00 - 9:30 AM at Enable Education, 8560 Tremaine Rd, Milton, ON L9T 2X3. We will develop a framework while asking a series of 5 simple questions to help you identify what you do, and why you do it. We will then wrap all five answers into 1 or 2 clear sentences that brilliantly and effectively tell people your story. You will then share your elevator pitch in front of a small group and receive advice and feedback from our master communicator. Ready... set... c’mon go!